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So far Woods & Matlock has created 118 blog entries.

What are an unmarried father’s child custody rights in Texas?

What are an unmarried father’s child custody rights in Texas?   When you live together with a partner and she becomes pregnant with your child while you’re unmarried, you don’t really have any legal rights as a parent in Texas. The mother of the child is viewed as the sole guardian, has full rights to [...]

By |6 - May|

Child Custody for Military Families

Child Custody for Military Families What happens with parenting responsibilities when you’re going through a divorce and are a member of the US Military? Child custody is already a stressful process and wondering about deployment and different assignments can complicate issues for members of the military. When you need an attorney for child custody in [...]

By |5 - May|

How Does A Pregnancy Affect My Divorce?

If you’re pregnant while you’re filing for a Texas divorce, you need to plan on waiting for the child to be born before the judge will finalize your divorce. Even if the child is from a different person than your spouse, the judge will want to put a decision about the child’s residence and parental [...]

By |13 - Mar|

How Does Texas Stepparent Adoption Work?

If you or your spouse is a stepparent working to adopt your spouse’s child, here are some basics you need to know about the process. Keep in mind, while this information will get you started, you should speak to a family law attorney for child custody in Frisco, TX when considering the process. Woods & [...]

By |13 - Mar|

What Does It Take To Win A Stepparent Adoption?

  In our last blog post, we explained some of the basics to a stepparent adoption. In Texas, a stepparent adoption works as a two-step process with a judge to get your spouse legal custody of your child. Since Texas law only allows two people as conservators or parents for a child, the other biological [...]

By |13 - Mar|

Know the Seven Grounds for a Divorce in Texas

If you’re planning to divorce in Texas, there are seven reasons recognized by the state. Your reason must fall into one of these seven categories for a judge to grant you a divorce. Though it may seem archaic to need a reason for the courts, it is a part of the process in every state. [...]

By |13 - Mar|

What Does The Amicus Attorney Do In A Stepparent Adoption?

In “Explaining the Process: Filing the Adoption Petition in a Step Parent Adoption Case”, we talked about the next stages to a stepparent adoption following the biological parent’s termination of rights. We explained the petition you will file with your lawyer and social study required next by the court where you and your family will [...]

By |13 - Mar|

Think Financially When It Comes To Divorce

Woods & Matlock are there for you when you need divorce and family law attorneys in Denton, TX. If you’re going through a divorce you need to get out of the negative traps your emotions can bring. Follow these financial tips to help make sure you plan for the future of your family instead of [...]

By |21 - Feb|

Avoid the Biggest Mistake in a Texas Divorce

If you’re about to start the process of divorce in Texas, here are some tips to help you keep your head above water. Even though you might think ending your relationship is the best thing for your family, you need to know a few things before and after you file for divorce. This advice is [...]

By |21 - Feb|